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Le président de l'Assemblée législative dépose le Rapport annuel de l'ombudsman

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Dec 9, 1999

The 1998 Annual Report of the Manitoba Ombudsman was tabled in the Legislature today. The report highlighted the significant changes that took place in the Office in 1998 as a result of the introduction of new access and privacy legislation, the opening of a regional office in Brandon, and the continuing increase in workload that has brought a 30% increase in formal complaints to the Office since 1996.

It was noted that the office received 940 formal complaints in 1998 in addition to the more than 3000 inquiries and concerns received by telephone. Specific cases are highlighted in the report illustrating the diversity of issues raised with the office including issues affecting the agricultural community, Autopac claim disputes, flood compensation matters, disputes involving municipal corporations and matters relating to the administration of programs affecting children and youth.

The Ombudsman, Barry Tuckett, indicated in the report that he was pleased that over 59% of the complaints received and concluded by the Office in 1998 were concluded by means of providing assistance or supplying information or through resolution, partially or completely. It was noted that while no formal recommendations were made, 139 cases were resolved and 17 were partially resolved.